Time and Date

Monday, May 31, 2010

Pencil Drawings by Paul Lung

Lovely black and white photos, wouldn't you say? Well, can you believe these were actually done completely by pencil?
Paul Lung, a 38-year-old artist, from Hong Kong, needs only an 0.5 mm technical graphite pencil and sheets of A2 paper to create some of the most unbelievable works of art. Paul has loved to draw ever since he can remeber, and now he does it for 3-4 hours every day, when he comes home from work. He never uses erasers and spends up to 60 hours working on each of his drawings, but the results are simply breathtaking.
Paul says even his friends don't believe he actually draws his creations, until they see him at work. That's understandable, considering it's practically impossible to tell theyĆ¢€™re done by pencil, unless you get close enough


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